Pelvic floor dysfunction

DrTalks Presents the Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit: Rekindling Desire and Boosting Libido to Take Place from December 12-18, 2023

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金曜日, 9月 8, 2023

CARLSBAD, Calif., Sept. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- If you are feeling disconnected from your partner or struggle with low libido, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, or pelvic pain, the Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit is designed for you.

Key Points: 
  • Receive expert guidance on a holistic approach to healing and wellness, addressing both physical and psychological aspects of sexual dysfunction.
  • CARLSBAD, Calif., Sept. 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- If you are feeling disconnected from your partner or struggle with low libido, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, or pelvic pain, the Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit is designed for you.
  • The Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit aims to help both men and women reignite their passion and pleasure by discovering natural and easy ways to boost libido.
  • The summit will not only address physical symptoms but also focus on the psychological aspects of sexual dysfunction, including stress and cortisol regulation.

From fatal allergies to heart attacks and cholera – the devastating health effects of global warming in Africa

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水曜日, 9月 6, 2023

Wild fires create their own weather systems, generating fire storms with devastating effects.

Key Points: 
  • Wild fires create their own weather systems, generating fire storms with devastating effects.
  • Global warming will increase the number of days of shimmering heat, creating the ideal conditions for fire.
  • Global warming and El Niño combined suggest that the years ahead will result in increasing, devastating impacts.

Heat, air quality and health

    • High temperatures cause heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular disease.
    • People in informal settlements, and badly maintained and crowded buildings, are especially vulnerable to heat stress.

Less food, lower nutrition

    • In South Africa, drought recurrently affects subsistence agriculture, livestock and commercial crops.
    • The impact of drought on food and nutrition will be felt by the most vulnerable, including infants, small children and pregnant women and those who already live on or below the poverty line.
    • Crop failure and drought, combined with increased food costs associated with disruptions to global food resources, will affect every one of us.

Every drop counts

    • Humans require adequate hydration to survive, and the combination of increasing temperatures and water shortages heightens the risk of organ failure and death.
    • In addition, dependence on poor quality and contaminated water has an impact on household and personal hygiene, and intestinal infections.

Neglected diseases

    • Other viral and bacterial infectious diseases, especially prevalent in Africa, are also likely to increase with global warming.
    • Bundled together as “neglected diseases of poverty”, these include both parasitic and viral vector borne diseases such as Rift Valley fever, malaria, filariasis, schistosomiasis, dengue fever, chikungunya and influenza as well as arboviruses such as different influenza pathogens.

So where does this leave us?

    • When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was established in 1988, we had a choice to interrupt climate change and slow global warming.
    • This does not mean there is nothing we can do to halt the destruction of planetary life.

Russia in Africa: Prigozhin's death exposes Putin's real motives on the continent

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月曜日, 9月 4, 2023

Prigozhin, as leader of the notorious Wagner Group, had been the point man for Russia in Africa since Wagner first began operations on the continent in 2017.

Key Points: 
  • Prigozhin, as leader of the notorious Wagner Group, had been the point man for Russia in Africa since Wagner first began operations on the continent in 2017.
  • More than a single entity, the Wagner Group is an amalgamation of shell companies deploying paramilitary forces, disinformation and political interference in Ukraine, Syria and Africa.
  • Its leaders have been sanctioned by 30 countries for the group’s destabilising activities.
  • Prigozhin advanced Russian influence in Africa by propping up politically isolated and unpopular authoritarian leaders.

Maintaining Wagner without Prigozhin

    • It is no surprise that Russia would want to keep the Wagner enterprise going.
    • In Mali, Wagner is linked to more than 320 incidents of human rights abuses and hundreds of civilian deaths.
    • Wagner has also been accused of driving away local communities where it has secured mining concessions, effectively annexing African territory.
    • But this will change when it owns the repressive tactics Wagner has deployed.

Reassessments in Africa

    • Russia’s reach in Africa may be exceeding its grasp, however.
    • There is a growing awakening on the continent of how little Russia actually brings to Africa in terms of investment, trade, jobs creation or security.
    • Russia pulled out of the Black Sea grain deal that had enabled 33 million tonnes of grain to get from Ukraine to Africa and other parts of the world.
    • This disregard, coupled with recognition that Russia offers relatively little to Africa, contributed to only 17 African heads of state attending the St. Petersburg summit.
    • Russia’s lawlessness at home and abroad is bringing into sharp focus what his world order would look like.

Outcomes Data Reveal Significant Impact of Etiometry Utilization in Liberating Patients from Invasive ICU Treatments

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月曜日, 8月 28, 2023

Etiometry’s Risk Analytics provide an individualized assessment of the patient’s condition, bringing attention to patients who need it most and revealing insight into the cause of potential deterioration or improvement to a patient's state.

Key Points: 
  • Etiometry’s Risk Analytics provide an individualized assessment of the patient’s condition, bringing attention to patients who need it most and revealing insight into the cause of potential deterioration or improvement to a patient's state.
  • Extubation failure is associated with significant morbidity, including prolonged total ventilation time and longer hospital length of stay.
  • The findings reveal the new automated standardized workflow in Etiometry informed data-driven decisions leading to an 18% reduction of time with vasoactive infusions.
  • The data are compelling, especially in terms of how our clinical intelligence can enhance patient care,” said Shane Cooke, CEO of Etiometry.

Prostate cancer treatment is not always the best option – a cancer researcher walks her father through his diagnosis

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火曜日, 8月 8, 2023

As a cancer researcher who knows very well about the high incidence and decreased survival rates of prostate cancer in the Caribbean, I anguished over these words.

Key Points: 
  • As a cancer researcher who knows very well about the high incidence and decreased survival rates of prostate cancer in the Caribbean, I anguished over these words.
  • Even though I study cancer in my day job, I struggled to take in this news.
  • “They are recommending treatment.” However, I understood from my work that not undergoing treatment was also an option.

Prostate cancer diagnosis

    • His battle with his prostate health started 10 years ago with an initial diagnosis of benign prostate hyperplasia, or BPH.
    • Although research suggests that the factors that contribute to BPH similarly contribute to prostate cancer, there is no evidence that an enlarged prostate will necessarily develop into cancer.
    • PSA is a protein that both normal and cancerous prostate cells produce, and elevated amounts are considered red flags for prostate cancer.

Cancer risk categorization

    • I explained that categorizing how aggressive the cancer is and how far it has spread can help determine the best course of treatment.
    • Some patients with early-stage or intermediate-risk prostate cancer undergo additional treatment, including surgery, radiation or radioactive seed implants called brachytherapy.
    • Patients with late-stage prostate cancer typically undergo hormone therapy along with surgery or radiation, or chemotherapy with or without radiation.

Prostate cancer screening problems

    • Even with all my expertise studying cancer genetics and working with cancer patients, I couldn’t help second-guessing our decisions, and I sometimes questioned our decision not to immediately treat his cancer.
    • Nearly half of all patients with prostate cancer are overdiagnosed, often leading to overtreatment.
    • Several studies in the U.S. have shown that patients with early-stage prostate cancer have a good prognosis, and the cancer rarely progresses further.
    • Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of prostate cancer led the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to recommend against PSA-based screening in 2012, with caveats for high-risk groups including African American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer.
    • Those recommendations have resulted in reduced screening and increased prostate cancer diagnoses.

Surviving prostate cancer

    • I still worry about my father’s diagnosis, because his cancer is at risk for progression.
    • His doctors are monitoring his PSA levels as part of his survivorship plan, which is a record of information about his cancer diagnosis, treatment history and potential follow-up tests.
    • Many were under the impression that prostate cancer required immediate treatment.

Our Lady of the Lake Health First in Nation to Implement Life-Saving Sepsis Detection Technology

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水曜日, 8月 2, 2023

Sepsis is the leading cause of mortality in hospitals across the nation, accounting for 1 in 3 hospital deaths.

Key Points: 
  • Sepsis is the leading cause of mortality in hospitals across the nation, accounting for 1 in 3 hospital deaths.
  • “With clear and early detection, we are able to get patients the appropriate treatment, at the right time.
  • This technology will undoubtedly help save lives in Louisiana, across the nation and across the world.”
    Click here to access interviews and b-roll for your news coverage.
  • “Our Lady of the Lake Health has really led this work and research.

Origin, top nationwide provider of pelvic floor PT, expands care in Atlanta, San Antonio, and San Diego

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火曜日, 8月 1, 2023

After launching nationwide virtual care in April, this expansion marks another key milestone toward Origin's vision and mission.

Key Points: 
  • After launching nationwide virtual care in April, this expansion marks another key milestone toward Origin's vision and mission.
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction is extremely common, in fact, it's 3x more common than seasonal allergies and impacts 40M women annually.
  • They currently offer in-network care at their clinics in Texas and California, and are working with payors to bring covered care to Atlanta.
  • "And we're excited to be offering PT students in Atlanta, San Antonio, and San Diego, an amazing new place to learn."

Why it's bad to always suck your stomach in

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月曜日, 7月 31, 2023

But certain health conditions and even unnecessarily tensing the muscles during your daily life can cause the abdominal muscles to become imbalanced.

Key Points: 
  • But certain health conditions and even unnecessarily tensing the muscles during your daily life can cause the abdominal muscles to become imbalanced.
  • All of them result in an imbalance in the function of the abdominal muscles.
  • People who may feel insecure in their body or who want a flat stomach may suck their stomach muscles to achieve this look.

Muscle imbalance

    • This creates a fold or crease in the abdomen over a long period, with the belly button being pulled upwards.
    • Regardless of the cause – whether voluntary or involuntary – sucking the stomach in places greater pressure on the lower back and neck.
    • The pressure at the top affects breathing by making the diaphragm (the major muscle involved in drawing air in) unable to pull down as far.
    • Treating the muscular imbalance through exercises that strengthen all of the core muscles will help.
    • If you have unexplained or prolonged abdominal pain, it’s worth seeking medical advice – not only to prevent muscle imbalances but also to treat the root cause of the pain.

Eskom and South Africa's energy crisis: De Ruyter book strikes a chord but falls flat on economic fixes

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水曜日, 7月 26, 2023

Andre de Ruyter’s book Truth to Power is not the first exposé of the country’s political and economic woes under the African National Congress.

Key Points: 
  • Andre de Ruyter’s book Truth to Power is not the first exposé of the country’s political and economic woes under the African National Congress.
  • But it strikes a sensitive chord because of the impact of recurring power cuts on the economy and daily life, a crisis De Ruyter was hired to deal with.
  • Beyond his description of Eskom’s corruption and ineptitude is a subtler message that is equally disturbing.
  • It’s De Ruyter’s prescription to end the state’s involvement in the economy, which he sees as a major obstacle to economic growth.
  • Botswana’s post-colonial experience, discussed in my 1999 book, is most relevant to South Africa.

De Ruyter’s key claims

    • Many were not only ill-equipped for their jobs but sought to profit from their assignments through irregularities.
    • Second is a coalition of actors he calls the “coal mafia” in control of coal supply to Eskom.
    • Read more:
      Corruption in South Africa: former CEO's explosive book exposes how state power utility was destroyed

      Fourth, De Ruyter claims the ANC government failed to retain experienced white engineers.

    • In fact, some of the leaders flouted the ethical principles of the ANC itself by joining the ultra wealthy as inequality in the country deepened.

Neo-liberalism will not deliver

    • The beneficiaries of racist policies and the ANC’s neo-liberalism would be put on steroids.
    • His remedies are based on the policies the World Bank imposed on the rest of Africa in 1981, policies that devastated the continent.
    • He forgets that past segregationist policies gave nearly 87% of the land to white South Africans and heavily subsidised their education.

What went wrong with the ANC government?

    • One of the most precious assets the ANC brought into power in 1994 was the trust of the majority of citizens.
    • But successive ANC administrations, particularly since 2004, betrayed the trust of the majority in three ways.
    • Third, the moral decline of the ANC leadership most cruelly exposed by the Marikana massacre and state capture underscored the party’s impotence.

Seeing beyond the nightmare

    It is widely acknowledged that neo-liberal policies and corruption are companions in the contemporary developing world. Thus, what South Africa needs is not an extreme version of neo-liberalism, but a new social pact that creates productive jobs and achieves transformative social justice. Only then can South Africa hope for an African renaissance.

Nymox Update

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木曜日, 7月 13, 2023

IRVINE, Calif., July 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation [OTC Markets – NYMXF] (the “Company”) is providing additional information concerning recent changes in the Company’s board of directors (the “Board”) and management, as well as additional information regarding the Company’s conclusion that a potential transaction was not in the best interests of the Nymox and its shareholders.

Key Points: 
  • IRVINE, Calif., July 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation [OTC Markets – NYMXF] (the “Company”) is providing additional information concerning recent changes in the Company’s board of directors (the “Board”) and management, as well as additional information regarding the Company’s conclusion that a potential transaction was not in the best interests of the Nymox and its shareholders.
  • Nymox recently terminated the employment of Mr. Randall Lanham, the Company’s former in-house legal counsel, and Mr. Christopher Riley, the Company’s former chief financial officer.
  • Mr. Lanham (legal counsel) and Mr. Riley (CFO) previously presented Nymox with a transaction with a potential business partner (the “Proposed Transaction”).
  • Dr. Paul Averback, CEO of Nymox said, "Our fiduciary responsibilities are first and foremost to the shareholders of Nymox, and the above terms were not in the best interests of Nymox shareholders.