Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test

Paper-thin Principles: New study looks at the emotional and psychological disadvantage of going against one's ethical code

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Domenica, Gennaio 23, 2022

It was a decision he regretted almost immediately, later declaring such policies to be "among the heinous sins of this nation."

Key Points: 
  • It was a decision he regretted almost immediately, later declaring such policies to be "among the heinous sins of this nation."
  • Analyzing data collected from 12,259 people who took the Emotional Intelligence Test , PsychTests' researchers compared people who regularly override their principles to those who typically stick with them.
  • People who frequently behave contrary to the direction of their moral compass suffer on an emotional and psychological level.
  • staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see ).

The Clark Kent/Superman Syndrome: New study looks into the downside of changing one's identity for the sake of others' happiness

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Sabato, Gennaio 15, 2022

Here's what the study revealed:

Key Points: 
  • Here's what the study revealed:
    > 43% don't consider themselves special, exceptional, or interesting in any way (compared to 6% of Authentics).
  • > 71% won't ask for what they want, even when they feel they deserve it (compared to 27% of Authentics).
  • Consequently, you are left feeling lost, empty, purposeless, and most importantly, unhappy," explains Dr. Ilona Jerabek , president of PsychTests.
  • staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see ).

2022 Goal: Be Kinder… To Yourself - New study emphasizes the importance of self-compassion

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Venerdì, Dicembre 31, 2021

Being gentle with oneself is particularly crucial to learn at a young age, especially in response to mistakes and failures.

Key Points: 
  • Being gentle with oneself is particularly crucial to learn at a young age, especially in response to mistakes and failures.
  • This is a strong incentive to make a resolution to practice more self-kindness in 2022.
  • > 50% are never satisfied with what they have achieved (vs. 15% of Self-respecting group).
  • > 63% panic when given a task that challenges them to push out of their comfort zone (vs. 14% of Self-respecting group).

Season's "Jeerings" - New study looks at the best way to react to button-pushing family members

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Venerdì, Dicembre 24, 2021

ESCAPE ARTISTS: When instigated, the members of this group silently but determinedly walk away from the scene of the heinous verbal crime.

Key Points: 
  • ESCAPE ARTISTS: When instigated, the members of this group silently but determinedly walk away from the scene of the heinous verbal crime.
  • Like duelers of old, they'll fire back with a hurtful jibe of their own right at the instigator's softest spot.
  • DEFENDERS: Similar to Counter-attackers, this group will become upset when insulted, but they won't sink to the instigators level.
  • Instead, they'll speak up and make it clear that they don't appreciate being hit with such a low blow.

Emotional Confab: New study looks at the benefits of consulting feelings

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Sabato, Novembre 13, 2021

But there are many benefits to getting in touch with one's emotions, as revealed by a study conducted by PsychTests .

Key Points: 
  • But there are many benefits to getting in touch with one's emotions, as revealed by a study conducted by PsychTests .
  • Analyzing data collected from 12,259 people who took the Emotional Intelligence Test , PsychTests' researchers compared people who never consult their feelings (Emotion-deniers) to those who do so regularly (Emotion-users).
  • "Most importantly, when you consult your feelings, you gain access to information that cannot be accessed by your logical mind.
  • And our study has shown that people greatly benefit from consulting their feelings."

Instagram Samaritans - New Study Profiles People Who Do Good Deeds For Recognition

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Sabato, Ottobre 9, 2021

According to research from , a desire for 15-minutes of fame is the easy answer, but does not necessarily paint the whole picture.

Key Points: 
  • According to research from , a desire for 15-minutes of fame is the easy answer, but does not necessarily paint the whole picture.
  • Some opportunistic do-gooders are hiding a less than squeaky image, others a desperate need for approval.
    > 46% feel that in order to get ahead, you have to "step on a few toes" (compared to 13% of genuine do-gooders).
  • PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see ).

The Dark Depths of Self-doubt: New study looks into the extensive and damaging effects of not trusting yourself

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Sabato, Settembre 18, 2021

Leonardo da Vinci, Francis Bacon, Louise Bourgeois, and Monet also destroyed or chose to never finish certain artworks.

Key Points: 
  • Leonardo da Vinci, Francis Bacon, Louise Bourgeois, and Monet also destroyed or chose to never finish certain artworks.
  • Analyzing data collected from 12,259 people who took the Emotional Intelligence Test , PsychTests' researchers compared people who experience frequent self-doubt (Self-doubters) to those who don't (Self-believers).
  • > 62% lack a sense of purpose, and feel like they are just going through the motions (compared to 9% of Self-believers).
  • PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see ).

One-Way Guilt Trips: New Study Examines the Destructiveness of Shame

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Lunedì, Agosto 30, 2021

The source of shame is a deeply entrenched belief that one is flawed and consequently, can offer nothing of value to others.

Key Points: 
  • The source of shame is a deeply entrenched belief that one is flawed and consequently, can offer nothing of value to others.
  • Research conducted by PsychTests indicates that people who experience pathological shame struggle with a host of issues, including insecurity, pessimism, negative affect, and self-sabotaging behaviors.
  • Those who frequently experience extreme shame displayed a number of negative patterns.
  • "Shame is one of the most energy-draining emotions, because it's a never-ending cycle of shame, self-deprecation, and then more shame," explains Dr. Ilona Jerabek , president of PsychTests.

A Little Insult Goes a Long Way: New Study Looks at the Psychological and Emotional Impact of Self-deprecation

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Sabato, Agosto 21, 2021

Analyzing data collected from 12,259 people who took the Emotional Intelligence Test , PsychTests ' researchers compared people who regularly insult themselves (Self-Deprecators) to those who don't (Self-Appreciators).

Key Points: 
  • Analyzing data collected from 12,259 people who took the Emotional Intelligence Test , PsychTests ' researchers compared people who regularly insult themselves (Self-Deprecators) to those who don't (Self-Appreciators).
  • 66% apologize even when they haven't done anything wrong (compared to 26% of Self-Appreciators, a 40-point difference).
  • 61% hold back from expressing their ideas for fear of looking stupid or being ridiculed (compared to 8% of Self-Appreciators, a 53-point difference).
  • staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts (see ).

Veni, Vidi, Vici - New Study Looks at the Personality of People Who Would Prefer To Win an Argument Rather Than Compromise

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Sabato, Luglio 31, 2021

Without compromise, conflict can drag on incessantly, or rise from the grave to haunt every subsequent argument where parties hash out grievances from decades ago.

Key Points: 
  • Without compromise, conflict can drag on incessantly, or rise from the grave to haunt every subsequent argument where parties hash out grievances from decades ago.
  • Why is it that some people would rather win a fight at any cost than make concessions?
  • According to research from , a dislike for compromise is about more than just the pursuit of victory or bragging rights.
  • Here's where they differed: