BlueCloud Has the Digital Prescription for Healthcare's Legacy System Headaches

TAMPA, Fla., April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- In 1924, the average life expectancy in the US was 59.8 years. (1) One hundred years later, it has increased to 79.25 years. (2) Advances in medical technology, pharmaceuticals, nutrition, and public health programs have had a dramatic effect on personal longevity and quality of life. It is surprising to learn then that the cloud technology adoption rate in healthcare is half that of other industries, which have seen an increase of 50% in cloud services from 2019 to 2022. (3) Vanessa Justice, Director of Account Executives at BlueCloud, observes, "The disconnect lies in a healthcare culture accustomed to on-premises technology. Protecting patients' sensitive data is of paramount concern in the medical profession, and there are still lingering apprehensions about the threat to privacy by going digital. This mode of thinking is outdated but still has strong roots in the industry."